Secure a name that says it all

We do naming strategy for founders who want their prospects to discover, desire and refer them in seconds.
Your dream brand name tells a story of a 1000 words with only 1 to do the trick.

The problem? Most "shiny" names are gone โ€“ domain & social handles on par. Luckily, we're darn good at uncovering or securing gems you won't believe are still available.

Our names do that with one goal in mind: help your prospects feel understood, so they trust you in <8 seconds.

We do that by making sure prospects get what you're about and are itching to know more. All with the first touchpoint they have: your name, brand & positioning to look the part.

...A good name leaves few questions unanswered. A great name guides prospects to complete their story...

So โ€“ what's it gonna be? Good? Great?

If you want the latter, let's talk.

namerarity offers...

Naming Strategy
Pick 1/100s freshly ideated names for your brand or sub-product after our linguistic and cultural analysis to guide your decision-making process.
Domain & Handles
You'll get an available name, domain and social handles to look the part across all digital touchpoints. If not available, we will support you to secure that dream name.
Market Analysis
Among many things, you will get is competitive landscaping of all players to understand ways to differentiate your offering from the rest of the market.
Trademark Advice
To make sure your picked name doesnโ€™t infringe on any IP, we will advise you on best practices and cross-check with legal professionals in fringe cases.
Brand Identity,
Strategy & Design
So your name gets seen and heard, we can also co-create its mission / vision / values and give it a design to love, so you can execute on a strategy that tells a cohesive story that stands the test of time.
Now, your name needs a slogan that makes prospects say โ€œgot it!โ€. Coupled with layers of messaging clarity, your product resonate on a whole other level.

we previously did...